From the Desk of the Executive Director
“Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty.”
― Thomas Jefferson
Happy Halloween, freedom-loving Nebraskans! The seasons are changing and we have a lot of opportunities ahead of us. As your new Executive Director for the Libertarian Party of Nebraska, I wanted to introduce myself here. My name is Schuyler Windham — I’m a lawyer, musician, and self-published author. I live with my husband and teenage nephew in Lincoln. A homegrown Nebraskan, I graduated from Nebraska College of Law in 2018 and UNL in 2015. I found my way to the Libertarian Party thanks to my husband, Daniel, who was previously involved with the party for many years in North Carolina. I am passionate about advocating with you all for our inherent freedoms!
After another tumultuous election season in 2020, many people are feeling more frustrated than ever with corrupt party politics as usual. People like you and me are looking for a party which more closely aligns with our values. I found that home and warm welcome with the Libertarian Party. I know we can help others discover our potential, too!
We need your help. We are small, but mighty. We have stories of freedom to tell our neighbors and are passionate about changing unjust laws… But we need a way to get those stories to people who care and will join us in advocating for liberty.
If you haven’t donated yet, consider a one-time or recurring monthly donation. If only half of all Libertarians in Nebraska made a monthly contribution equivalent to a Netflix subscription, we would be absolutely unstoppable! Join the revamped Booster Pack Program for exclusive gifts. We are rolling out new levels and gifts in the coming weeks so stay tuned!
“The federal government has only those powers delegated to it by the Constitution, and that all other powers not forbidden to the states by the Constitution are reserved to each state”. – 10th Amendment
The officials of the state of Nebraska have called for a vote to hold a special session to discuss the massive overreach by the federal government with the vaccine mandates. While this is a major victory and sign of hope to many facing job loss, we have to ask ourselves why haven’t we taken these steps before with other issues.
Nebraska is a state of landowners, farmers and ranchers. The residents are smart, hard working people. Our farmers, entrepreneurs and adults alike have the fortitude and intelligence to be able to make choices for themselves. As Nebraskans, we want to contribute to the progress and advancement of the country.
Legalization and utilizing marijuana needs to be evaluated as an option. Why are the elected officials standing in the way of a key part of that advancement, the legalization of marijuana as a crop, a legitimate business and usable renewable resource?
Elected officials have frequently obstructed such advancement with exceedingly restrictive industrial hemp laws that prevent a highly potential cash crop from growing roots in the state. Medical and recreational cannabis are also prohibited from generating what would be substantial revenue and employment.
Officials are willing to fight for a special session, at the cost of the taxpayer, in favor of personal medical freedom, claiming “The people have spoken, in overwhelming fashion”(Sen. Ben Hansen of Blair). The same point can be argued that, with the majority of the country having moved forward with one form or another of marijuana and cannabis legalization. So, why has the state of Nebraska chosen to take a stand against this plant and refuse to look into a special session or reclassification of marijuana? It can’t be the plant’s fast growth time and the renewable resources it provides or even the possibility of benefiting the budget, by having minimal tax funds, provide relief to overtaxed property owners. The American people are tired of watching our civil servants toe the party lines and continue to work for their own political agendas. Standing by outdated partisan opinions and using amendments and loopholes for personal gains must end now!
We as a state have shown that our officials will stand together for the betterment of the state to protect our rights against vaccine mandates. It is time to continue that momentum and, without partisan bias, use all our resources to affect major change and growth for our state. Why must the farmers and small business owners, those with medical issues and chronic pain, continue to suffer and not take the opportunity that the legalization of marijuana would offer? The avenue to decentralization is through the 10th Amendment and is a path we as a state could and should be utilizing for all the residents of our beautiful state.
District 1 Coordinator Update
by Amy Wimer
Lancaster has been gathering signatures to put medical cannabis options on the ballot.
Seward had a postcard writing project to inform all registered libertarians in the county about their upcoming events.
D1 has lost a few counties due to redistricting, and we’ll have more information about how to move forward. As always, if you’d like to get more involved please let the D1 coordinator know
District 2 Coordinator Update
by Gene Siadek
There were two noteworthy events held in District 2 last month.
An event was held at Josephine’s Cozy Corner in Omaha on October 16th to recognize the 50th Anniversary of the Libertarian Party.
The Nebraska Libertarian Mises Caucus sponsored a showing of The Unseen Documentary at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in LaVista on October 14th. This included a question-and-answer session after the movie.
The voter registration numbers for District 2 are interesting. Libertarian voter registration in District 2 grew at a rate of 4.52% year-to-year. Meanwhile, Republican, Democrat, and Nonpartisan voter registration declined at a rate of -2.7%, -2.2%, and -0.42%.
To get involved, contact me at
Press Release Republished from September 2021
Introducing your next governor of Nebraska, Libertarian candidate Scott Zimmerman!
In the 2022 Nebraska Gubernatorial election, the voters of Nebraska will have a third option on their ballot, Scott Zimmerman. No matter the location or size of the city or town, your rights, and voices matter. Scott Zimmerman will stand firmly for the people of Nebraska.
Scott Zimmerman is a husband, father, and educator born and raised in Nebraska, which gives him the unique experience of not being a career politician. However, Zimmerman is one of the residents of this state, ready for change! Scott is an experienced leader who excels at building teams and getting things accomplished. This is your chance to be heard and equally represented.
As a fifth-generation Nebraskan, Scott grew up surrounded by other hard-working, industrious pioneers. As a child, Scott spent time on the family farm watching his grandfather work nights at the factory and spend his days on the farm. This instilled the discipline to show up and do the job you are expected to do.
“The hard-working people of Nebraska need a governor that never shies away from a hard day’s work or the challenges facing the residents of our state.” – Rachael Nelson, Vice-Chair of Keith, and Lincoln County Libertarian party of Nebraska.
Scott Zimmerman understands the challenges faced by many Nebraskans. Because Nebraska is a diverse state with varying needs, as your Governor, Scott will seek to build unity and ensure that Nebraska is represented. In addition, Scott understands the importance of growth and opportunity throughout the entire state and will seek reasonable solutions to ensure that all Nebraskans have the opportunity to thrive. Zimmerman believes that less Government involvement in our daily lives is the way to accomplish these goals. Therefore, Scott will reduce the size and scope of government intervention in our personal and financial interactions.
“ Scott is a man who truly listens and cares about what the people say. He has our children’s futures as his number one concern.” James Fellows a Nebraska Veteran.
Ready for change? Head on over to to see how you can help spread the word of freedom!
“ The mission of the Libertarian Party is to maintain a representative government that protects the inalienable rights of individuals. “
Rachael Nelson
Press Secretary- Zimmerman for governor
- State Central Committee Meeting on September 15, 2024 7:00 pm
- State Central Committee Meeting on October 6, 2024 7:00 pm
- Live Free in D3! on October 17, 2024 7:30 pm
- State Central Committee Meeting on October 20, 2024 7:00 pm
- State Central Committee Meeting on November 3, 2024 7:00 pm
- State Central Committee Meeting on November 17, 2024 7:00 pm