They Obviously Don’t Understand Our Communities.


Yesterday, I was deeply saddened when the Republican Party launched an attack on the holiday season.  This time of giving thanks and family was tarnished when their party operatives decided to attack me for giving thanks to the people of LD 32 and sharing one of my most favorite movies of all time, “It’s A Wonderful Life.”

The reason I am sharing this movie is because of my deep appreciation to the district for the honor to serve.  The republican party and their slimy politics remind me of “Mr. Potter” in the movie–or Ebeneezer Scrooge in another Christmas classic.

I am convinced that their Washington D.C. style politics won’t work in our district, because they don’t understand us  My father (Ron Schwab–a practicing attorney in Fairbury for over 50 years, and my Campaign Treasurer) and I have read the Rules carefully.  After the attack on me, I also discussed these events with the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission, and they have assured me there has been no law broken.

The Republican Party’s latest, thinly veiled attack is the latest in a string that has not only had me as a target, but also hard working, small business owning Nebraskans.  I’m confident our district won’t stand up to the big city money attacking me for thanking the voters of my district this holiday season.

After the overwhelming response so far to the movie–nearly 450 people viewed it during 2 showing in Fairbury pm Thursday, I hope you will join us at one of our upcoming movie events (see details below).  We will not allow Mr. Potter/Ebeneezer from the big city ruin our holiday season.

Thank you for your continued support!

Senator Laura Ebke.

PS – if you want to help fight those party bosses from giving us a lump of coal, click here to chip in $18 to fight those trying to ruin our Wonderful Life in LD 32.

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