Milford Fun Days Parade
by Amy Wimer
In early 2021 the Milford Chamber of Commerce reached out to the Seward County Libertarian Party to put together and run the yearly parade that occurs during their summer festival. The Seward County LP had a huge success with the parade, even doubling its entries from the prior parade, and has even been asked to run it again! The team had fun handing out packets of lit including a pocket constitution and their local contact information, tossing candy to kids and engaging the folks attending the festival.
The town was so happy for someone new to be in charge and have been approaching the leadership in Milford thanking them daily. If your county wants to participate in parades or festivals, please do so: they’re fun, they’re a great opportunity to show Libertarians volunteering and engaging in the public, and it’s also the perfect way to hand out lit to families.
Meet The Team from The Keith-Lincoln County Affiliate – James Fellows
A newly formed executive committee in the Keith and Lincoln County affiliate have joined the fight for liberty in Nebraska. We reached out to them to find out more about them.
James Fellows is the new Chairperson, and we posed some questions to him to learn more about his journey and his passion for liberty.
Libertarian Party of Nebraska: Tell us a little bit about yourself, and how you became a Libertarian? James Fellows: My family had moved around quite a bit growing up, but we always lived in either Lincoln or Custer County. When I was 17, I joined the army. I was medically retired from the military in 2015 due to injuries from my time in Afghanistan. I was an independent most of my life and could never find any party that fit my ideals. Shortly after I got out of the military, I found out about the Libertarian party and realized most of the party’s ideals fit with my stances. I have been a Libertarian ever since.
LPNE: What motivated you to take on this project in Lincoln and Keith counties? JF: I have always wanted to be a able to help the party grow and volunteer as much as I could. When I was contacted and asked if I would be willing to take a role in the local affiliate, I jumped on the chance to help increase awareness of the party and their stances.
LPNE: What Libertarian issues do you want to focus on in working with your community and municipalities? JF: Basically, anything that decreases the size of the government and gives more control to the people. As rural Nebraskans we don’t need the government to tell us what we can and can’t do. We are a community that strives to help one another as much as we can, and we don’t need legislation forcing us to do so.
LPNE: Will your meetings be in both Lincoln and Keith counties? JF: Eventually yes! As we are starting, the first couple meetings will stay in Lincoln County but as we get a better grasp of the community engagement and how to run our affiliate, we will go to each county to reach more in the communities.
LPNE: Do you think rural Nebraskans can embrace a Libertarian ideas, and how would do you approach them about these ideas? JF: Absolutely! I know quite a few farmers and ranchers and most of them are Libertarians and just don’t realize it. The biggest struggle will be showing them that the Republican party isn’t small government and that they are causing negative impact on their lives. If we can do that it is a short step for them to realize the Libertarian party is the party with their interests at heart.
LPNE: Where can people reach you? JF: At the moment we can be reached via our Facebook page or our email: As we grow, we may add more social media options for our outreach but that will be based on what we find is best for the proper outreach in our area.
Meet The Team The from Keith-Lincoln County Affiliate – Rachael Nelson
Rachael Nelson is the new Vice-Chairperson, we wanted to get to know her better and she was gracious enough to answer our questions.
Libertarian Party of Nebraska: Tell us a little bit about yourself, and how you became a Libertarian?
Rachael Nelson: I was born in Colorado Springs, CO and spent my summers with my grandparents in Hays, Kansas which gave me the unique chance to experience the small town life, mixed with the pros and cons of growing up in the big city. When I was 10 my mother married a Master Sergeant in the United States Air Force. We were stationed at McChord Air Base, in August 2001.
I was raised in a very Republican household, while watching my stepdad spend two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. I spent the next 20 years in Washington state. I graduated high school, where I met my husband, went to a community college, got married, worked retail, got my business license for wedding planning.
Nothing out of the normal young adult life. In 2014, everything changed, I had a son. I started to notice more of the world around me. I started to see that the country I loved and had seen my stepfather and a couple of my very best friends serve and fight for was not what I wanted my son to know as the United States.
I started to search for answers and as anyone knows, once you start to open up to the truth you can’t go back. During my hunt, my husband mentioned the Libertarian Party, he had been a member for years. After the mess that was 2020, I found a hero in Jo Jorgenson. I started to read everything I could on the party and to my surprise, the party aligned with what I had come to find I believed. Living in Washington state, showed me exactly what could happen when one party goes completely unchecked and has been in control for far too long.
In May of this year,2021, my husband and I packed our two boys, sold our home in Washington and drove to North Platte, where I officially registered as a Libertarian for the first time.
LPNE: What motivated you to take on this project in Lincoln and Keith counties?
RN: After watching the unrest, the beginning of an economic fall and the utter degradation of one of the most beautiful and diverse places in the Country, I could not allow that to spread. I had to try to find a way to help spread the word of personal freedom and never sit back and watch it happen again. So, when the party reached out to me, shortly after I registered, I took it as a sign and jumped head first into the affiliate and the state party.
LPNE: What Libertarian issues do you want to focus on in working with your community and municipalities?
RN: At this point, more so than we have seen in a long time, the only focus and only real issue is protecting personal freedoms. After 2020 and with how 2021 has begun, we must focus on our rights and personal freedoms.
Nothing is as evident and as glaring as the current world climate and the choices being robbed from us. We are in the middle of a time where your employer has MORE right, then you do, to decide what literally is injected into your body, backed by the government, our elected representatives who are supposed to work for us. I think as a party and myself personally, the only message and word we need to be yelling from every corner, is the right to our lives and bodies and those of our children.
LPNE: What is your plan for both counties in your affiliate (Keith and Lincoln)?
RN: I would love to meet in both counties! I am excited to learn and see all the beauty these counties have to offer, but right now the majority of our group lives around North Platte. So as of now we have been meeting at PAL’s Brewing Company. Once we get a wider range of members from all over the area, we would love to meet in different areas. Email or Facebook us your favorite places to meet and hang out!
LPNE: Do you think rural Nebraskans can embrace a Libertarian ideas, and how would do you approach them about these ideas?
RN: I think rural Nebraskans are smart and completely capable of being in control of their lands and lives. As such, reaching out to the farmers and the hard working, hands-on residents in the area and telling them their personal freedoms and the decisions for their lands and life are theirs. My prediction: they will be willing to hear more. The land in Nebraska is of value and of major importance to the families here and across the country. The stewards of the land should be in control and able to do what they do best. With unclear executive orders, like President Biden’s 30×30 “conservation” plan, we have to act and I think rural Nebraskans need less government control and more freedoms to choose what’s best for us. The party just has to be heard!
Keith-Lincoln County Media Relations Wins
Keith-Lincoln county hit the ground running and achieved some early success building inroads with their local media. Libertarians face an uphill battle in terms of access to media, so it is definitely worth noting that James and Rachael have had two of their press releases published in local media- In early August the North Platte Post announced the affiliates August meeting hosting
- The rival outlet the North Platte Bulletin also covered this event which included a meet and greet with Nebraska Gubernatorial Candidate Scott Zimmerman.
Here is the original release:
Spreading the word of Liberty!
The Keith and Lincoln County Libertarian Party of Nebraska, are relaunching the party in the area and we want your help! Relaunch meeting will be held at Pals Brewing Sunday August 8, 2021. Our goal is to spread knowledge about the party and our candidates. August 6 2021,North Platte, NebraskaWe as the libertarian party of Keith and Lincoln County are very excited to announce that we are re-launching the affiliate program in the County. We strive to bring knowledge and to answer any questions you may have about this viable third option in our political system. “Our main goal is to provide knowledge and answer any questions that you have about the ever growing Libertarian Party.” said Rachael Nelson (vice chair of Keith and Lincoln County Libertarian Party of Nebraska) , one of the organizers of this weekend’s meeting.
Scott Zimmerman, Libertarian candidate for governor of Nebraska, will also be in attendance! We are very excited to welcome the special guest and introduce him to the libertarians of the area. Scott will be stopping over in North Platte and joining us for our meeting after spending the weekend working with hopeful candidates across the state in Ogallala.
“As a long time resident I am so excited to see this relaunch happen and I am hopeful for the growth of the party in the area.” – James Fellows- Chair of Keith and Lincoln County Libertarian Party of Nebraska.
Please feel free to come and join us! We are excited to become more active in the area!
The mission of the Libertarian Party is to maintain a representative government that protects the inalienable rights of individuals.
Name of Press Contact: Rachael Nelson Vice Chair, Keith and Lincoln County Libertarian Party of Nebraska Phone: (253) 691-1027 Email:
District 1 report
By District 1 Coordinator Amy Wimer
District 1 report is much the same as last month while we continue to grow and have fun summer events.
- Sarpy County some new members attend and they had a new meeting place they tried out. They have some great special guests lined up in the coming months, so keep your eyes on the events tab!
- Lancaster has moved back to Big Red Keno now that all the DHMs have been removed, and had both Laura Ebke and Scott Zimmerman as special guests this month. It was a great questions and answer session that reached well beyond our hour!
- Dodge County is eyeing ways to grow and increase its outreach, they could use some volunteers with this! They are also trying some new meeting places so that they can accommodate better some of their members’ schedules, but also find something that is easier to communicate in.
- Platte County is trying different ways to get a consistent group and schedule, but are planning to attend the Street Party in Belwood on the 31st, should be a fu time!
- Seward County has been busy planning the Milford Days Parade, which is another volunteer opportunity, definitely plan on attending or helping them if you’d like to meet some Nebraska Libertarians in a fun atmosphere.
As always, we are looking for new people to get involved and volunteers as well. Please email
Sarpy County Hosts Maine Libertarian Party Executive As Guest Speaker
By Jeremy Westengaard
The Sarpy County Libertarian Party met on August 12th at the Lucky Bucket for their monthly business meeting. They greeted a guest speaker via Zoom, Harrison Kemp, a veteran, Libertarian activist, lobbyist, and Maine State Party Vice-Chair. Harrison gave Sarpy County a presentation on how to craft and lobby for legislation and ballot initiatives. Kemp had success getting a No Knock Raid Ban passed in the Maine Legislature, where he was the author, lobbyist, and activist leading the initiative.
The audience was engaged with several questions and drew parallels to Nebraska’s legislature and current dearth of liberty legislative action.
The meeting concluded with a discussion of business topic including an announcement of next months guest speaker. On September 13th at 7pm, at the Lucky Bucket in La Vista the county party will welcome Major Danny Sjursen of the
Danny is one of the leading antiwar advocates and a prolific writer on the subject of US foreign policy. A retired Major, Afghanistan vet, and a former assistant professor at the West Point Academy. He has been prominently featured in many major publications. His archives from a few are listed below:
Campaign Training
Earlier this month we had a deep dive into campaigning with Apollo Pazell and Laura Ebke. The issues discussed and guidance from Apollo and Laura will help our candidates tremendously as well as shape the future focus of our affiliates.
That same weekend we re-launched our Keith and Lincoln County affiliate. If you want to get involved in either candidacy or locally, please email us at
Give us your feedback, what did you like about the newsletter? What topics are you interesting in the LPNE covering in the future? email us at:
- State Central Committee Meeting on February 2, 2025 7:00 pm
- State Central Committee Meeting on February 16, 2025 7:00 pm
- State Central Committee Meeting on March 2, 2025 7:00 pm
- State Central Committee Meeting on March 16, 2025 7:00 pm
- State Central Committee Meeting on April 6, 2025 7:00 pm
- State Central Committee Meeting on April 20, 2025 7:00 pm
- State Central Committee Meeting on May 4, 2025 7:00 pm